Comparison: Is a 4-inch Airtrack Better Than an 8-inch One?

The airtrack thickness is one of the most crucial points when finding the perfect fit, as it impacts both safety and performance. The standard thickness for an airtrack is 4 inches, but there are thicker airtracks as well – such as the 8-inch one; these two are the most common ones.

After using this article as a comparison tool, you should know the main differences between these two options and be able to make an informed decision to find your ideal airtrack.


  • Bounciness Is a Crucial Factor – Especially for Athletes
  • Cushioning and Ability to Absorb Impact – Weight Determines a Lot
  • Stability and Control Go Hand in Hand
  • Portability and Storage Might Make a Difference
  • Conclusion: Base the Decision On Your Own Needs

Bounciness Is a Crucial Factor – Especially for Athletes

With a thickness of 4 inches, the bounce and rebound are at a moderate level. That leads to good stability and springiness. With that in mind, you can control your body better when practicing jumps, flips, and tumbling passes. But if you are looking for higher jumps and greater heights, an 8-inch airtrack is a better option. The surface is more energetic. Hence, it is easier to execute dynamic and powerful maneuvers.

Cushioning and Ability to Absorb Impact – Weight Determines a Lot

Your weight might not be the first thing that comes to your mind when looking for an airtrack, but it determines a lot. If you are a gymnast or acrobat, 4 inches should be enough for you as it offers enough cushioning and can absorb the impacts of your landings. It also makes rolls comfortable while preventing injuries, reducing the impact on joints, and increasing longevity.

Even if an 8-inch airtrack is not the best option for gymnasts, people doing other activities might benefit from its enhanced cushioning and shock absorption. You should opt for the thicker one, especially in cases where your body requires extra support or your body weight is higher. It minimizes stress on the body during landings and with movements where the impact is high.

Stability and Control Go Hand in Hand

When looking for stability from airtracks, a 4-inch one offers the best solution as it has a stable surface. A steady surface means it is easier to control your body and have the balance needed. So, when you need a more controlled environment to hone your skills, which is crucial for beginners, it is more suitable than a thicker one.

It always depends on what activities you plan to do with your airtrack. But let’s say you want to find a replacement for a trampoline, 8-inch thick airtracks give you the rebound and cushioning you’re looking for. At the same time, it sacrifices some stability and control. So, keep this in mind before making your final decision.

Portability and Storage Might Make a Difference

The thinner the profile, the lighter it is to carry. That’s a good rule of thumb when it comes to airtracks.

A 4-inch airtrack isn’t as bulky and heavy as an 8-inch airtrack, so it is easier to transport from one place to another. So, if you want to find a more convenient solution because you need to set up and dismantle your airtrack regularly, go for the thinner one. And the same goes for storing it.

But, if you plan to put your airtrack in one place, at least semi-permanently, or you have a lot of storage room, portability, and storage are not decisive factors.

Conclusion: Base the Decision On Your Own Needs

If you are a cheerleader, gymnast, or just trying to find a fun way for you and your kids to exercise, the answer to the question “Which airtrack is the best for me?” might differ. That is because the needs might be different.

Let’s use an example. A cheerleader might need an airtrack that offers enough bounciness, meaning 8 inches could work, while a gymnast might harm their development using it. And on top of that, you need to consider also things such as age, skill level, and weight.

So, the main thing, when comparing the thickness, is to know what to look for. It means you need to consider also factors like cushioning, stability, and portability before finding the best airtrack.